Hey Mumma, did you know I’m starting to learn how to sort things? Sorting skills are super important for me because they help with pattern recognition and categorization. Isn’t that cool?
By the time I’m around 19 to 21 months old, I’ll get better at sorting and matching objects. This will help me with more complicated things later on!
Development Stages of Sorting
Initial Sorting Activities (19–21 Months)

Starting Basic: Please let's begin with (Sorting sets) just two sets of two identical things, like two blue blocks and two red blocks. You can mix them up and help me put them in pairs that go together.
Method: I'll put one red block and one blue block in different piles to try to keep the pattern going. We can do this on the ground or with bags.
Increasing Complexity
Progressive Challenge: Once I know how to sort two sets, can we add more items and different types of sets? Mama, could you use more colors or different kinds of things?
Example: How about sorting big and small balls or crayons in different colors?
Advanced Sorting Based on Attributes (Closer to 24 Months)
When I'm almost two years old, I might start to sort things by color, shape, and size. We can group together either all the round things or all the red things.
Activity Setup: Mom, we can use things we find around the house, like veggies or kitchen tools.
Sorting helps me in many ways:
Fine Motor Skills: I'll get better at putting small things together in groups.
Hand-Eye Coordination: Sorting allows me to develop my hand-eye coordination by means of which my hands and eyes cooperate.
Observational Skills: I will find items to vary and to be similar.
Language Skills: New vocabulary describing colors, forms, and sizes will be taught to me in language skills.
Early Math Skills: Early on in understanding arithmetic ideas, sorting is a fantastic beginning point.
Pattern Recognition: Pattern recognition aids in my ability to spot trends and how objects fit together.
Classification: I will improve in organizing objects according to their characteristics.
Helping me with sorting chores lays a good basis for my toddler's growth and ability to solve problems. Mumma, always remember that I study at my own pace. let’s adjust these activities based on how interested and ready I am.