Hey, Mumma, Dada! Guess what? I’m learning and doing so many new things. Here’s what I’ve been up to:
The Benefits of My Early Development
Gross Motor Skills: Hey Mumma/Daddy, I can stand without assistance for longer periods now! I can also walk short distances by myself, although my steps are still a bit wobbly. I love climbing onto cushions and low tables, and I even crawl up the stairs more easily. Pushing objects like chairs helps me move around with more stability.
Fine Motor Skills: Maa/Dada, I can remove a low-pressure lid from a container, and when you give me a crayon, I can make some marks on paper!
Cognitive Development: Mumma/Daddy, I love learning through trial and error and repeating actions to see what happens. For example, I enjoy experimenting by splashing water out of the tub to see the effect!
Speech Development: Maa/Dada, I combine familiar actions with words, like saying "Bye, bye" while waving goodbye. I understand simple instructions better, especially when you use gestures, and I’m starting to see how powerful language can be when interacting with others.
Self-Care: Mumma/Daddy, I can eat with a spoon, although I still spill a lot, especially with thick foods like purée. I can also take off my socks, hat, and other easily removable items.
Social-Emotional Development: Maa/Dada, I’m learning to ask for help using my limited vocabulary and body language. I feel like the world revolves around me, so sharing isn’t my strength yet.
Types of my developmental milestones
Other Development Highlights: Mumma/Daddy, play is how I explore and relate to the world. I want to do everything independently, but I realize that I still need your help sometimes.
Physical Development: Maa/Dada, I like to hold my food bowl in one hand and eat with the other. I can climb small hurdles like chairs and sofas, and I’ve learned to climb down from the bed safely. I can carry objects of considerable size while walking, pick up objects from the ground, and carry them along without any help. I can also stack all the rings in a ring stack toy, though I might need help with the order.
Cognitive Development: Mumma/Daddy, I’m curious about the fragrance of different objects and can find you during hide-and-seek at pre-decided hiding places. I observe sharp shadows with interest and begin to understand the object-shadow relationship. I can relate drawings and pictures to real-life objects and point to familiar object drawings. I can carry large objects, like a pillow, using spatial estimations to navigate.
Communication Development: Maa/Dada, I understand and respond to action words like "give" and "take." My speech vocabulary is growing; I can speak 3-5 words and try to repeat words for objects I like, such as mango, phone, biscuit, and cake. I can point out 2-3 body parts when asked.
Social and Emotional Development: Mumma/Daddy, I’m starting to engage in household chores with interest, like helping you move grocery items or laundry clothes. I join you in prayer and imitate 1-2 prominent actions. I like staying in the area where you are in the house and am growing fond of family time. I give hugs and kisses to toys and caregivers and can identify close family members in a photograph. I start to wave hands for "hi" and "bye" gestures when I see others doing it.
Research shows that engaging in these activities helps enhance my cognitive, motor, and social-emotional development. Studies in pediatrics and early childhood development highlight the importance of these interactions for my growth.
Isn’t it amazing, Mumma and Dada?