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Speech Development Delay Learning Printable Cards & Checklist Activities for Kids| Instant Downloadable

Regular price Rs. 199.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00 Sale price Rs. 199.00
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Enhance your child's speech development delay with our comprehensive Online Speech Delay Checklist & Activities & Printable Cards! Designed for toddlers and young children, these cards are perfect for speech therapy games and activities that are instant downloadable & a great teaching tool for toddlers.


Product Specification

400+ Speech Development Cards: Our printable includes over 400 Educational learning  cards covering a wide range of sounds and words to target various speech goals. 

NOTE: We are resellers of thoughtfully curated products designed to support your child’s development. The content and activities featured in these products are created by Tiny Talkers Speech, a certified Speech-Language Pathologist, ensuring they are both engaging and developmentally enriching.

While we specialize in trading these high-quality products, our focus remains on bringing you resources that are backed by expert insights, making them perfect for parents, educators, and caregivers who prioritize meaningful growth for children.

Montessoritoys for 1 years old creative and fun learning

Montessori toys are an excellent way to introduce theMontessori type of education to your child. As the name suggests, it focuses onhelping babies explore their environment, and encourages them to take part inactivities that will help them develop their gross and fine motor skills, aswell as cognitive abilities. At this age, it is especially important to givebabies toys that will help them explore the world, discover, and learn in asafe and stimulating environment.So, what are the best Montessori toys for 1 year olds?Montessori toys for 1-year-olds are often made of wood, since it is a durablematerial that is also safe for the baby. Montessori Wooden toys come indifferent shapes and sizes and help young children become familiar with theshapes, colors, and sizes. Wooden blocks, puzzles, toy cars, trains, and otherobjects with various shapes and sizes are great for helping the baby learnabout basic concepts.Montessori toys also help children develop theirhand-eye coordination. Playing with various types of toys encourages babies tomove and manipulate objects, a crucial skill that is essential for all types ofmotor activities. Pounding toys, such as wooden pegs and hammer boards, andbuilding objects with peg-and-socket systems or stacking cups help childrenwork on their fine motor skills.Besides the more traditional Montessori toys, thereare also many options available for babies to explore. Baby gyms, balls,activity centers, musical toys, and other toys that are specifically made for1-year-olds offer babies plenty of opportunities to explore and have fun. DIYMontessori toys are also becoming increasingly popular, as parents can getcreative and make their own toys for their children.When it comes to Montessori toys for 1-year-olds, itis important to choose toys that are age-appropriate and stimulating. There isno shortage of choices, but it is important to ensure that the toys are safe andthat they will help the baby achieve their developmental milestones. With theright Montessori toys, parents can ensure their 1-year-old starts on the rightpath to foster their growth and development.

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