The Earlier, the Better: Math Is Already Developing in Your Toddler’s Brain

The Earlier, the Better: Math Is Already Developing in Your Toddler’s Brain

Look Mumma, I’m Learning Math Already! 

Hi Mumma, did you know that my brain is already starting to learn math? Even though I’m just a toddler, early math development is really important for me. Neuroscientist Gillian Starkey says that just like reading, learning math early is very helpful. Here’s why and how we can make math fun every day: 


Why early math is important 

Early Exposure: Starting to teach math now helps me build a strong base. I do better in school when I learn math early on, and not just in math. This is true for other courses as well. 


Integrating Math into Everyday Life 

We don't need any special things to learn math. Let's add some fun math to our daily lives in these ways: 


Count Everything

How to Do It: Mumma, let's count everything: snacks, toys, and steps. I learn that numbers and amounts go together and understand their order by counting out loud. 


Compare and contrast games

Activities: We can compare how many of something there is and how big it is. I learn simple math ideas better when I use words like more, less, bigger, smaller, and equal. 


Explore Shapes 

Fun With Shapes: Point out and name different shapes around us, Mumma. Like saying, “This cookie is a circle, like the wheel on your toy car.” It helps me with visual-spatial reasoning and sorting things. 


Notice Patterns 

Pattern Recognition: Let's use things we see every day, like clothes stripes, music rhythms, or putting snacks in a certain order, to teach patterns. Patterns help me figure out how things work and why they do what they do. 


Engage with Music 

Musical Math: Music and math go together because we can dance and clap to beats. Patterns and rhythms are linked to both math and music. 


Importance of Being Proactive 

Everyday Learning: The key is to include math in everything we do, Momma. As I get older, this makes math seem like a normal part of my life. 

Building Number Sense: By doing these activities, you’re helping me develop number sense, which is important for understanding more complex math later on. 

Parental Involvement: Your help in showing me math concepts helps me learn better. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about fostering curiosity and understanding how the world works. 

Math at this age is about learning quantities, relationships, and patterns. By starting early, you’re helping me develop a lifelong understanding and love for math. 

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