Playing with Music: Helping Me Learn Impulse Control, Mumma and Daddy!

Playing with Music: Helping Me Learn Impulse Control, Mumma and Daddy!

Hey Mumma, Daddy! Did you know music can help me learn to control my impulses? Let’s use the Tinyvers Musical Toys and have some fun while I learn important skills! 

Developing Impulse Control Through Music 

1. Teach “Stop” and “Go”: 

  • Activity: Use the colorful  maracas . Mumma, you shake yours and say “GO!” loudly, and I’ll do the same. Then say “STOP!” and freeze. This helps me practice listening and controlling my actions. 

  • Skill Development: This game enhances my listening skills and helps me control my movements based on what I hear. 

2. Experiment with “Quiet” and “Loud”: 

  • Skill Development: Learning about loud and quiet sounds teaches me about appropriate volumes in different settings. 

3. Work on Turn-Taking: 

  • Activity: Show me how to use the Simple Castanet. Play a note and then pass it to me saying, “Now it’s your turn!” We can take turns and try playing in different ways. 

  • Skill Development: Turn-taking is a critical social skill that helps me understand waiting and sharing. 

4. Focus on Following Directions: 

  • Activity: Use the colorful egg shakers to teach me to follow multi-step instructions. For example, say, “First shake the red egg shaker, then the yellow bell.” Gradually make the sequences more complex. 

  • Skill Development: Following multi-step directions enhances my cognitive flexibility and helps me process and remember sequences of actions. 

Benefits of Music for Young Children 

  • Enhanced Listening and Attention: Music helps me practice listening and paying attention, which is useful for school. 

  • Improved Motor Skills: Playing instruments develops my fine motor skills. 

  • Emotional Expression: Music helps me express my emotions without words and can be therapeutic. 

Incorporating music into our daily routine makes learning fun and enriches my developmental journey. By playing these games with me, you’re helping me develop skills that will benefit me across various aspects of life. 

Keywords: music for toddlers, impulse control, listening skills, turn-taking, motor skills, emotional expression. 

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