Make Me a Match: Understanding Your Toddler's Matching Skills

Make Me a Match: Understanding Your Toddler's Matching Skills

Look Mumma, I Can Match Things! 

Hi Mumma, matching is such an enjoyable activity and I learn a lot through it. I am wondering how my toddler matching skills improve and what basic activities we can do together using language and other forms: 


Advancement of Matching Skills 

Color Awareness -12 month 

I find out that there is a tendency to indicate some colors though still I am unable to precisely indicate. Here you can assist by using colors to describe objects. This helps in identifying the colors. 


Basic Matching –15 Months 

I am able to match two identical objects like two equally sized circles. This indicates I comprehend both sameness and difference which are aspects of cognitive development. 


Animal Sound Matching – 18 Months 

You may also make sounds of specific animals and ask me to identify the animal. This is useful for me since it is a sound matching activity and getting to know that sounds belong to different animals. 


Photo Matching – 19 Months and beyond 

I am able to match pictures in the sense of reproducing 2D images with a 3D object. This is an improvement which cuts across both picture matching and original thinking. 


Using different senses (hearing and sight) to make connections is a sophisticated cognitive leap for me. 


Matching Pictures Together (27 Months) 

I'm ready for simple matching games, which means I'm ready for more difficult memory games. 


Encouraging Matching Skills 

Include everyday things. 

Make matching games for me with toys, household items, and nature things. This is a fun and involved way to learn. 


Utilize Storytime 

Show how to match figures, shapes, and colors in books. It makes reading stories even more fun! 


Play Sound Games 

Let me know what animal or other sound it is and I'll match it to the right source or picture. This makes sound matching stronger. 


Engage in Color Sorting 

Put food or toys in order by color. It helps you get better at matching and recognizing colors. 


Be Patient  

Matching tasks may take some time, but they are good for my growth. 


You can visit to Tinyvers' website to find more goods and ideas that will help your child learn. They have a lot of different tools that can help toddlers improve their matching skills and brain growth. 

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