Ice, Ice, Baby: Try These Easy Science Activities

Ice, Ice, Baby: Try These Easy Science Activities

Look Mumma, Science is So Much Fun!  

Hi Mumma, Use some easy science activities to learn about the world. It's easy to set them up, and the kids will have fun and learn. Here’s what we can do together: 

Drink Powder in Water  

Activity: Mix drink powder into water. This explains how things can mix with liquids.  


Food Coloring and Water  

Activity: Putting food coloring into water and stirring it helps me learn how colors and liquids mix. 


Button Fishing 

Activity: We can get the buttons from the Mosaic Button Board out of a bowl of water with a net. This is what makes liquids and things different.   


Melting Ice Cubes 

Activity: We will put ice cubes in water and watch them melt. I can feel how cold the ice is and learn about the different states of matter.   


Changing Color  

Whipping/Shaving Cream Coloring  

Activity: Mixing food coloring into whipping cream or shaving cream on a tray lets me see color blending up close.  


Baking Soda and Vinegar Reaction  

Activity: A layer of baking soda in a tray with colored vinegar drops makes a fizzing color explosion. It’s so cool to watch!  


Tips for a Successful Science Play  

Preparation: Keep towels handy for indoor activities and use water-friendly areas or go outside for messier experiments.  

Exploration: Encourage me to use my senses—let me touch, smell, and see the changes as they happen.  

Dialogue: Talk with me about what’s happening. Ask simple questions like, “What do you see?” or “What do you feel?”  

Safety: Always supervise me during these activities, especially with small objects or edible materials.  


The point of these science games is to learn new things with other people. They make learning fun and help me understand the world. Mama, let's enjoy these fun and magical times.

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