Funky Ways to Make Music a Part of Your Toddler’s Life

Funky Ways to Make Music a Part of Your Toddler’s Life

Look, Mumma, let's play music together!  

Hey Mumma, I find that listening to music is not only enjoyable but also quite helpful in introducing me to new topics. One can incorporate music into their everyday routine in several cool ways, like the following: 


Listen to the World Around Us 

Mumma, let's listen in to the sounds of nature that are all around us. The steady sound of cars on the road, the click of turn signals, and the happy songs of birds are all things we can hear. It's like finding music that's been hiding in plain sight! 

Why It’s Great: This helps me enhance my listening abilities and makes me hungry to hear music in a variety of settings is yet another reason why it is wonderful. Both my creative side and my sense of curiosity are sparked by it. 


Sing Our Directions 

Mumma, why not turn our daily instructions into fun songs? Everything becomes more exciting when you sing the steps, whether it’s a tune for tidying up toys or a melody for mealtime. 


Why It Works: Music turns everyday tasks into enjoyable activities, making transitions smoother and helping me connect positive feelings with what I need to do. 


Play Freeze Dance 

Here’s a fun game: let’s dance while the music is playing and freeze when it stops! It’s a blast and helps me learn how to move with the beat and follow simple commands. 


Benefits: Having fun while getting better at listening, coordinating, and following directions is one of the best things about freeze dancing. 


Adding music to my daily life can help me learn and grow. It keeps things fun and interesting while improving my language, movement, and social skills. Mumma, let's check out the beats and sounds together! 


The Tools of Our Mouths  

Fun Things to Do: Mumma, we can play around with the sounds our mouths can make. Playing around with our vocal instruments is what it's all about. We can hum, make "raspberry" sounds, flick our cheeks, and trill.  


Learning Outcomes: These tasks help me improve my language skills, ability to tell the difference between sounds, and sense of rhythm. Plus, you can learn about cause and effect by doing them.  


Getting involved with music: a way to start learning  

 Including music in our daily activities is a fun way to help me grow. The language, motor skills, mental intelligence, and social skills all get better. Don't forget that the point is to have fun and make people love music. Mumma, let's learn about beats and sounds together! 

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