Hello Mumma, It is important to be active. Even if we are inside Here are 9 fun indoor exercises, we can do together to help me gain strength and coordination.
DIY balance beam
Use the puzzle base to create a balance beam on the carpet.
Help me walk over the crossbar by putting one foot in front of the other. This encourages vigorous play and enhances my fine motor skills.
Pretend Bus Driving
Make a bumpy road with pillow.
I can push my toy bus over the pillows to practice balance and control. It’s great for toddler play and enhancing motor skills.
Water Cup Relay
Place a sink on one side of the room and a bowl on the other.
I will walk across the room, fill a cup with water, and then transfer it into a bowl. Children's coordination and development are helped by this activity.
Save the Animals:
Tape the toy animals to the wall and place the holders on the floor.
I’ll stretch to get the animals down and squat to put them in the holder. This is excellent for improving motor skills and active play.
Color Matching Adventure
Place colored dots all around the space.
I’ll find and bring back dots that match the color you spin on a wheel. This game is fun for toddler play and helps with color recognition.
Sweep Up a Button Mess
Tape a large square on the floor and scatter buttons inside it.
Show me how to sweep the buttons into the square. This activity helps with motor skills and active play.
Lily Pad Procedure
Stick the paper on the floor to make it look like a lily pad.
I will not touch the floor or jump from one step to another. This type of sport promotes children's development and balance.
Animal Imitation Game
Collect various animal figures in a bag.
I’ll pull out an animal and imitate its movement. This activity encourages active play and helps with motor skills.
Dance Party
Play my favorite music.
Let’s dance together using a play scarf or playing a simple instrument. This is a creative approach to encourage active play in toddlers.
Conclusion: Keeping Active Indoors
I will be active and develop strength with these exercises. I found playing inside to be just as fun and rewarding. With playing outside, Mom, I appreciate you playing with me.