It’s a few years before when for the first time I came across the term ‘Montessori’ while searching for smart toys for my niece. It ignited some curiosity, and I ended up searching the history of ‘Montessori’ term online. Today, I thank myself for being curious enough to learn about new things. So, let’s dive into the past for understanding what’s actually the hype about ‘Montessori’.
It was 31st of August, 1870 when Maria Montessori was born to Renilde Stoppani and Alessandro Montessori in Chiaravalle, Italy. Her father was an official in the Ministry of Finance. Although her father was not really supportive of her education, Maria Montessori continued her studies. After completing the secondary school, she graduated in physics and mathematics at the age of 20 and then pursued natural sciences and medicine later on. This is to be noted that Maria Montessori was ahead of her time considering the social and cultural norms. She has to face a lot of adversities from her professors and classmates for being a woman, but that didn’t startle her rather she stood up to her ground and continued studying. She had done her specialization in psychiatry and paediatrics.
For her work she used to visit asylums and treat children with mental disabilities and also raised her voice for stating the need of special learning system for specially-abled children. This woman was an epitome of gender justice, educational rights and an advocate of children’s rights as well.
Now when it comes to the Montessori approach in education, it all started with Casa dei bambini. In 1907 Maria Montessori started her ‘Children’s House’ or Casa dei bambini and noticed that children are more interested in everyday objects rather than regular toys or any rewards. She gradually introduced everyday real-life activities like cleaning, sweeping, washing hands, taking care of pets to these children and provided them with age-appropriate tools for these activities. This is where her educational philosophy developed. Maria Montessori believed that it is through letting children do things independently and providing them age-appropriate materials that you can help children grow in a better way.
She believed that the mind is the source of human intelligence, and that children should be allowed to develop their own personalities and learn through play and real-life activities.
Montessori's approach is based on three principles:

1. Montessori believed that children should be allowed to take control over their surroundings, including their own learning processes. She wanted them to feel a sense of responsibility for their actions and decisions. She wanted them to make mistakes and correct them on their own. Montessori approach always talks about giving freedom to children.

2. Not only regular subjects but Montessori approach talks about a child’s overall development. From physical to social, emotional and intellectual development all these are considered important for a child’s growth.

3. Montessori felt that children should not just be taught but also shown how to learn through play. For example, if a child is taught how to write by having him or her trace over letters on paper, then this helps develop. She has also focused on giving importance to the specific and unique needs of every child. It is more like one-on-one approach.
Children should be free to choose their own tasks and follow their own mind. There should not be external pressure or factors intimidating them to choose something.
Maria Montessori’s school Casa de bambini witnessed children to develop self-discipline, attention, concentration in those children and her approach in educating children got popular. Later on, Montessori schools were also established in Switzerland, UK, USA, and in India as well in the first half of the 1900s.
This was a short piece on Maria Montessori and her approach in children’s education and development. If you may have noticed at Tinyvers we always encourage you to help your baby learn and grow in a fun playful way. This is the approach we are abiding by. Remember learning need not be boring or restricted. It is in a fun way that your baby will experience a holistic growth. To know more or read blogs like this go to