Peek-a-Boo & Playtime: Your Baby's 5th Month Fun & Development

Peek-a-Boo & Playtime: Your Baby's 5th Month Fun & Development


Mumma, Dada, did you know that by the end of my fifth month, I’m learning and doing so many new things? Here’s what I’ve been up to:

The Benefits of My Early Development

Gross Motor Skills: I’m getting stronger! When lying face down, I can adopt a superman-like position with my arms and knees lifted and my back arched. I can lift my chest up with my arms when I’m on my tummy. I can stay in a sitting position for a few seconds without assistance. I turn my head freely in both directions. I usually use a single arm to reach for something rather than using both.

Fine Motor Skills: I use a palmar grasp to hold objects with the center of my palm, still without using my thumb. I extend my arm out to reach for an object that has fallen. I can quickly reach out and grab an object of interest.

Cognitive Development: I’m learning about object permanence and know that an object partially hidden is still there, and I can reach for it. I try to mimic simple sounds and movements on purpose. I can remain alert for nearly two continuous hours. I recognize frequently used objects or toys. I remember my own actions in the immediate past. I understand the difference between human faces and those of non-human objects and animals.

Speech Development: My vocal play has improved, and I’m transitioning to babbling. I repeat simple sounds like "ba," "da," and "ca" just to hear them. I display a broader variety of changes in volume and tone when I talk.

Sensory Development: My hand-eye coordination is improving; my arms and hands follow my eyes when reaching for objects. I can visually track fast-moving objects.

Self-Care: I can hold the bottle with one or two hands. I might be able to sleep through the night for 6–8 hours (between months 5 and 7; some babies take longer).

Social-Emotional Development: I engage with other people, with a preference for you, Mumma, and Dada. I smile more openly. I actively look around when in a new place, exploring my surroundings. I laugh as a method of socializing and cry when playtime is over or stopped.

Types of my developmental milestones

Other Development Highlights: I may have a strong enough grip to lift myself from lying down to seated while holding onto a stick being lifted by you, Mumma, or Dada. I lean my body to look for an object that has dropped. I recognize immediate family and may get upset with strangers. My eyesight is improving; I can better differentiate similar colors and see longer distances, but my vision is still not equivalent to an adult’s. I have abrupt mood changes, primarily alternating between happiness, fussiness, and sadness.

Physical Development: I can stay in a sitting position without support for a short period of time. I can lift up my front body on my arms when in a face-down position. I turn my head with good control in both directions, with no head wobble. My handgrip is strong, but I still do not use my thumb for gripping. I reach for objects that fall from my hand by extending my hand or my body forward when in a sitting posture. I can track objects at varying distances and with varying movements with my eyes or head. With support in a sitting posture, I can lean forward to grab a toy and come back to the original position. This shows the strength of my back muscles.

How to Support My Development

Communication Development: I try to imitate simple sounds and words by babbling, mostly dental (T/D) and velar (K/G) sounds. I laugh at particular sounds or actions that act as triggers and remember the trigger actions. I communicate frustration by looking at you while crying after a few failed attempts to get or do something. I show a preference for the vertical-hold position and standing position of the parent compared to sitting or lying down, with immediate outbursts. I can imitate tongue sounds or other mouth actions like sticking out my tongue or making sounds with my lips when air blows out.

Social and Emotional Development: I show a preference or understanding for one parent or individual compared to others whom I see every day. I can understand voice tones and react differently to happy, sad, and angry tones. I start to turn my head and pay attention to my own name. My sleep pattern is established, and I sleep through the night without regular disturbances.


Research shows that these early developmental milestones are crucial for my growth and learning. According to studies in Pediatrics and Infant Behavior & Development, engaging with me through talking, playing, and responding to my needs helps enhance my cognitive, motor, and social-emotional development.

Maa and Daddy, your love and interaction play a significant role in my development. Keep talking, playing, and cuddling with me, and watch how I grow and learn every day!


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