Understanding Your 31-33 Month Toddler: Milestones and Developmental Activities

Understanding Your 31-33 Month Toddler: Milestones and Developmental Activities

Support Your Toddler’s Independence and Growth with Engaging Toys and Interactive Learning 

Has your toddler started riding a tricycle yet? If not, they will soon. So keep their tricycle and your running shoes ready for the long cycling sessions that will begin soon.  


What to expect? 

At around 31 to 33 months you will notice many changes in your little one. Some of the changes are: 

  • Can run and climb smoothly 

  • May start pedaling tricycle 

  • Begin to hold crayon using finger and thumb (Pincer grasp) 

  • Their pretend play becomes more imaginative 

  • Start remembering and predicting their daily routine 

  • Have a vocabulary of around 200 to 300 words 

  • Start forming simple sentences with 3 to 4 words 

  • Can understand and follow simple commands and questions 

  • Begin using pronouns i.e. I, you and me 

  • Show strong desire to do things independently 

  • Start showing interest to play with other children 


Is it normal? 

Concern: My toddler repeatedly does things that they aren’t supposed to. 

Verdict: Yes, it is normal. By attempting to do things they know they aren’t supposed to, they are exploring and testing boundaries. Some of the reasons why your toddler explores their boundaries are to understand how things work, to experience a sense of independence, learning cause and effect, seeking attention and development of self control to ultimately understand rules and boundaries. 

You can help them by making simple rules and making them understand why rules are made, use rewards as positive reinforcement, be consistent with your rules and stay calm with them.  

Concern: My toddler has a difficulty in transitioning from one activity to another such as from playing to eating. 

Verdict: Yes, it is normal. Your toddler might face some difficulties transitioning from one activity to another due to several reasons. Some of the common reasons can be your toddler’s limited understanding of the concept of time, their desire to feel independent, their intense focus on the activity they are performing or lacking the understanding of why they have to stop doing one thing and start another. 

As parents, you can help your toddler into smoother transitions by giving them warning such as we will have dinner in 5 mins, establishing a routine so your toddler is familiar with the activities and staying calm while communicating with them. 


How can you support your toddler’s development? 

Your toddler is very active, both physically as well as mentally. They are beginning to take more interest in complex things and activities that require advanced problem-solving skills, fine motor skills, and cognitive understanding. As a parent, you can provide your toddler with these complex things and activities with Tinyvers. Tinyvers activity kit 13 designed specially for 31 to 33 month toddlers with developmental tools that foster language skills, problem-solving abilities, and introduce early STEAM concepts seamlessly into their daily activities, you can ensure their timely growth and development. It also helps your child to bridge the gap from home based learning to preschool, supporting crucial developmental growth.The kit also comes with a milestone brochure, activity booklet and DIY activity cards that help you navigate your toddler’s developmental journey with ease.  


Let’s take a tiny peek into the developmental toys included in Tinyvers activity kit 13:  

Does your toddler enjoy doing things independently? Then this slide the circle is just the game for them. Slide the circle gives your toddler an opportunity to assemble the puzzle first and then play with it. The circles of different sizes enhance your toddler’s knowledge about size and proportions. As they use their finger to rotate the circle, it improves fine motor skills. Moreover, it also enhances their visual discrimination and problem solving skills. 

By now your toddler is quite familiar with the concept of solving puzzles. Until now they have solved puzzles with a single solution. The unique feature that sets Advanced shape puzzle apart is that it can be solved in multiple ways. The puzzle helps your toddler understand that there can be multiple ways of solving the puzzle. It also enhances their logical thinking, concentration and problem solving skills. 

The graduated puzzle is another multi-dimensional puzzle that encourages your toddler to develop a multi-solutions approach. It enhances your toddler’s understanding about size and proportions, their concentration, cognitive functioning and fosters creativity. 

4. Mystery bag (object identification): 

Your toddler loves solving mysteries and making new discoveries. The mystery bag is an amazing tool to help your toddler get familiar with recognizing everyday objects just by touching them. It provides them tactile stimulation, increases their concentration and recognition skills. 

Your toddler is well aware that they feel hungry and require food. But do they know that animals require food as well? The animals and food association cards are an excellent way to teach this to your toddler. It helps your toddler develop empathy towards the animals and enhances their social and emotional development. It also improves their memory skills, association skills and cognitive functioning. 

6. Animal and their babies cards: 

As your toddler is getting familiar with different animal’s food habits, introducing them to animal families is the next step. The animal and their babies cards help your toddler understand that just like them, animals have families too. These cards enhance your toddler’s social and emotional development, memory skills and teaches them empathy and kindness. 

7. Musical instruments cards: 

Melodious music is everywhere around us. The musical instrument cards allow you to introduce your toddler to the instruments that produce such wonderful music. These cards are great to interest your toddler in musical instruments and music. They also enhance language skills, memory skills, fostering curiosity and brain development. 

8. Air land and water cards: 

As your toddler is exploring the world, understanding some basic concepts of geography becomes important. The Air, land and water cards play an important role in introducing these geographical concepts to them. They play an important role in helping your toddler identify similarities and differences while enhancing their vocabulary and memory skills. 

9. Friendship platter: 

Does your toddler have trouble sharing their things? Don’t worry, the friendship platter book is just the one you needThe friendship platter book is about a group of friends who share food with each other. It helps your toddler understand the concept of friendship and sharing while building their vocabulary, improving memory and boosting their confidence.  


Watching your toddler sit on a tricycle and learn to pedal makes you realize how much they have grown. As they keep hitting their milestones one after another, you feel proud. At this stage providing them with developmental toys such as Slide the circle, Advanced shape puzzle and Graduated puzzle really helps them develop life skills. Moreover, activities such as going through the Mystery bag, Animals and food association cards, Animal and their babies cards, Musical instruments cards, Air land and water cards and reading the Friendship platter helps your toddler develop kindness, empathy and patience which helps with their overall development. Your toddler’s achievements are the result of your immense love and support. Keep showering them with love and see them flourish. 

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