Little Picassos & Playground Champions: Your 23-Month-Old's Big World!

Little Picassos & Playground Champions: Your 23-Month-Old's Big World!


Hey, Mumma, Dada! Guess what? I'm learning so many new things and getting better at the ones I already know. Here’s what I’ve been up to:

The Benefits of My Early Development

Gross Motor Skills: I can kick a ball that’s moving slowly toward me. It’s so much fun! Jumping in place is something I try to do, but my feet barely leave the floor. My running has improved; I can change direction sometimes instead of just running in a straight line.

Fine Motor Skills: If you show me how, I can fold a sheet of paper in half. I can manipulate small objects, like opening a candy wrapper. I can imitate different types of line drawings, but my grip on the crayon will keep getting better over the next few months.

Cognitive Development: I can identify my favorite colors in nearby objects. I’m able to generalize concepts for objects or actions that have similar characteristics. I create elaborate scenes of symbolic play, interacting with dolls and using common items like boxes and furniture around the house. I can recognize some simple shapes by holding them without looking, like knowing the difference between a ball and a cube. I’m starting to memorize parts of my favorite songs.

Speech Development: I’m starting to identify people outside of our immediate family by name. My ability to imitate words has improved a lot, and I can repeat simple new words immediately after hearing them.

Self-Care: I can eat a variety of foods using utensils without assistance. I’m able to undress myself with minimal help. I can wash and dry my hands with a little assistance from you.

Social-Emotional Development: I increasingly enjoy the company of other children, though I still like to keep my personal space and limit my interactions. I laugh with people as a way to interact and be accepted socially.

Types of my developmental milestones

Other Developments Highlights: I use my name to refer to myself. My desire for independence continues, but I still demand your constant attention. I display egocentric behavior, focusing on my needs and wants. I’m starting to understand the concept of limits because I can’t always do everything I want.

Additional Physical Development: Scribbling is more intentional now. When you say "Make a line" or "Draw a circle," I try to do it, even if it’s not perfect. I can kick a ball from one position to another continuously, 3–4 times on the ground. I can climb stairs without any support, mostly by leading with one foot repeatedly. I can transfer water from one glass to another without spilling it.

Additional Cognitive Development: I understand the concept of capturing real-life moments on camera. I’m interested in constructing Duplo structures to make meaningful buildings and can follow your instructions to put together blocks. I can match letter blocks to their respective shape outlines for 5–10 alphabets. I can fit in simple puzzle pieces, like fruit puzzles and animal puzzles. I enjoy painting with watercolors on a drawing sheet using my fingers or a brush.

Additional Communication Development: I take an interest in reciting a few alphabetic sounds, either independently or with a prompt. Like, 'A - aa aa aa, B - ba ba ba.' My speech clarity is improving, and I try to use real words ("breakfast") instead of baby talk ("num-num"). I can use a string of 2-3 words to form sentences to express my needs or thoughts. My receptive vocabulary includes more than 100 words, including daily words, objects around, animals, fruits, vegetables, etc. My expressive vocabulary (words I can speak) is around 50–100 words from daily life without being prompted.

Additional Social and Emotional Development: I understand and cooperate with conditional fulfillment, like, 'If you eat a mango, we can go out to play!' I’ve developed a habit of putting garbage in the garbage bin, both indoors and outdoors, if instructed. I understand what belongs to me and what belongs to others. I started to recognize people outside of our family and remember their names. I use my own name to refer to myself in conversations.


Research shows that engaging in such activities helps enhance my cognitive, motor, and social-emotional development. Studies in pediatrics and early childhood development highlight the importance of these interactions for my growth.

Maa and Daddy, your love and interaction play a significant role in my development. Keep talking, playing, and cuddling with me, and watch how I grow and learn every day!


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