Surprising Skills Your 7-Week-Old Will Master – Don’t Miss These Magical Milestone Moments!

Surprising Skills Your 7-Week-Old Will Master – Don’t Miss These Magical Milestone Moments!

Discovering the Wonders: Your Baby at 7 Weeks 

Quick Insight:

Mummy and Daddy, ever wonder what's happening in my mind at 7 weeks old? At this stage, my brain is buzzing with new developments, especially about knowing you, my favourite people in the world.

Four Ways My Brain Is Working Overtime Right Now 

  1. Exploring Through Movement 

Hey Mummy, did you know my cerebellum is growing super fast? It’s the part of my brain that helps with motor skills, balance, and movement. You can help by massaging me, letting me move freely, and trying different ways to hold me. There is 3 DIY cards in Activity Kit 1. My Play Gym Mobiles & activities is a great tool for this too. I love stretching and moving in new ways! 

  1. The Adventure of Eye-Tracking 

Look, Daddy! Following moving objects is a big challenge for me, but it’s important for my visual and cognitive development. Can you let me track your face? Create a cozy setup with your knees up, place me on your thighs, and slowly move your head from side to side. This helps strengthen my optical nerves and visuals, and it makes me feel closer to you. 

  1. Tuning Into Sounds 

Mummy, did you notice I’m starting to turn my head intentionally now? My auditory system and motor skills are evolving, and I love listening to your voice. Watch how I react to voices and sounds around me. This head-turning will get even better as I grow, helping my auditory and cognitive development. Keep talking to me, Mummy! 

  1. The Beginnings of Anticipation 

Paa, guess what? I’m starting to show signs of anticipation. When you come close or get ready to feed me, I get so excited! You can help me by narrating your actions with consistent words and tones, like saying, "Here I come to pick you up!" This helps me understand and predict patterns in your behaviour. Isn’t that amazing, Paa? 

Nurturing Your Baby's Brain Development

Mummy and Daddy, this journey of discovery at 7 weeks is just the beginning. Every coo, smile, and gaze is a window into my rapidly developing brain. By engaging with me through movement, learning infant toys, interactive play, and consistent communication, you’re laying the groundwork for a lifetime of learning and bonding. Remember, every moment with me is an opportunity to support my incredible developmental journey.

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