Hey Mummy and Daddy,I love figuring out how things work. I enjoy dropping things and hearing the different sounds they make. It helps me see that my actions can cause different things to happen, like sounds or your responses.
Four Ways to Help Me Learn About Cause and Effect:

Be Consistent
When I do something, like hide my face and wait for you to find me, it helps if you always respond the same way. Even though it takes patience, this helps me understand how my actions lead to certain results and makes playing more fun and educational.
Play With Me
Join me in my experiments! If I’m making noise, you can show me how to make different sounds by playing the drum softly and loudly. This helps me learn about sounds and keeps our playtime fun and interactive.
Use “Because”
When you explain things, use the word “because.” For example, say, “We cut the apple into smaller pieces because it’s easier to eat.” It helps me understand why things happen, even if I can’t talk much yet.
Do Small Experiments
Let me try something new, like seeing which things slide down a slide the best. These little things make me happy because they help me understand how things work.
Encouraging My Curiosity
You make learning enjoyable and interesting by letting me explore and figure out how things work. I learn more about the world and grow because of it. Thanks for being so helpful and making this a great time to learn.